Wednesday, February 21, 2018

gEst BLOGer + trvYa aNdsurs

Hi THIS iz me riting.

MAGIE IZ SIK. SHe iz slepng.

i fownd ANDsurs 2 the tryva cweschuns. itz goot THAT I NO haw 2 kut aynd payst.

1.    Roger Taylor
2.    Boxing
3.    Cub
4.    Paraguay
5.    Honey
6.    Ottawa
7.    Buddhism

I HAV SUM tryva cweschuns 4 you

1. whut iz my name?
3. iz it tyme 4 supr?
4. do YOU hav treets?

Monday, February 19, 2018

Fun and Games (and Trivia Q&A)

I haven't gotten outside on my bike much due to the melt/freeze cycle, but am apparently making up for it by having some interesting dreams about cycling, at least. To keep myself busy, I hung out with my nephews this weekend - watching Early Man and, as is our tradition, playing (too) many games of Uno at the coffee shop. Apologies for the delay, but more trivia questions and answers follow. 

I don't think it is a spoiler alert to share that this hog gave
this dude a massage. I admit I was jealous.

My nephews take glee
in slapping this one down.

Round 2 Questions:
1.    What name (first and last) was shared by the drummers for Duran Duran and Queen
2.    What sport is featured in the movie Raging Bull?
3.    What’s the 3-letter name for a young cheetah?
4.    What South American country has a name meaning “water that goes to water”
5.    What is the main sweetening ingredient in baklava?
6.    What is the capital of Canada?
7.    What religion was introduced to Japan in the mid-6th Century?

Round 1 Answers:
1.    Eminem
2.    Inflatable sheep
3.    His leg
4.    1955
5.    1922
6.    The Olympic flag
7.    7. Daisies

Monday, February 12, 2018

Peace Offering - Round 1 of Questions

My peace offering for those who are sad about no trivia event this year will be three rounds of trivia, with answers provided in between each round.

Don't cheat, keep score, and let me know how you do. I may have a prize for you.

1. Which rapper's parents once fronted a cover group called Daddy Warbucks?

2. Karl Hasselhoff (great uncle of The Hoff) invented which of the following?
a. Electric fencing
b. Inflatable sheep
c. Scentless udder cream
d. Plastic roosters

3. Immediately after assassinating President Lincoln and landing on the stage of Ford's Theater, what did John Wilkes Booth break?
a. His hand
b. His collarbone
c. His ankle
d. His leg

4. In what year was Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama?

5. In what year did Howard Carter discover King Tut's tomb?

6. What does an athlete from the home country traditionally hold in her/his left hand while taking the Olympic oath?

7. What kind of flowers did Mary Poppins wear in her hair?

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Maslenitsa Sunday

I am not religious, but I obviously had to dig in a bit when I saw that today is known as "Cheesefare Sunday" in the Eastern Orthodox Church. It's a Lenten thing about being allowed to eat cheese today, before dietary restrictions go into effect. I learned that these folks also refer to today as Maslenitsa Sunday. It is a day of forgiveness, fasting (despite the cheese, apparently), and the gathering of treasures in heaven.

I was thinking that if there is a heaven and treasures are being gathered there, my sister-in-law's mom - Jacky - who passed away on Friday, is one such treasure. Jacky's untimely departure due to cancer belongs on a list of Truly Unfair Things. She was young, vibrant, loving, smart, and really witty.

Several years ago, she got a road bike. We exchanged emails about it at the time, because she was considering joining me on the MS150 bike ride. A short time later, she posted this on Facebook.

It still makes me laugh today. She didn't know that you can buy padded undies for cycling. She ended up not using these cut-up shorts because they didn't stay in place. But this approach is how I think of Jacky - just diving in, with both feet. I will miss this.

The last time I saw Jacky, she commented on the fact that she never ended up riding the MS150. She'll be with me in spirit as I ride this June. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Airport-inspired plea

"Hear the mighty engine roar, See the silver wing on high, She's away and westward bound, Far above the clouds she'll fly Where the morning rain don't fall And the sun always shines. She'll be flying over my home In about three hours time."

"So now I come to you With open arms
Nothing to hide"

"If there was a worthy cause for to give to
May I be so bold as to say" please support my #BikeMS fundraising efforts.

(Lyrics by Peter Paul & Mary, Journey, and Cold War Kids, exhaution and goofiness brought to you by work trip and caffeine.)