Monday, February 17, 2014


On Saturday, Dan and I took our fat bikes to a groomed trail north of St. Croix Falls. I enjoyed riding in the woods. I took this photo right before we got to the prettiest part, but I didn't want to get off my bike again to snap a photo. There was the cutest little fluffy deer near this spot. It was pretty fun to see their tracks in the snow - from a bike.

After we got home, I finished pulling together the questions for our trivia extravaganza Friday night. I think I got some good ones! Ol' Mexico confirmed our head count: 72 players and 6 volunteers. (Holy cow, you guys!) So, we've got the restaurant, some questions, the prizes, the tickets for the drawings, and some Bike MS coasters from the MS Society. Just a few supplies to buy, some answer sheets to put together, and I think we're set!

I'm not the best at math, but I think that this event will raise $1,000 for the MS Society, not including money we'll collect through the games/drawing during the night. (I've been told by a guy who does a lot of fundraising that I ought to call it a "drawing," not a "raffle." I think that's for state gambling law purposes. I'm not sure. He gave me some other ideas for Friday, too, as he rearranged my hair last week. I don't know that what he did counts as a haircut, despite the fact that he cut some pieces of my hair. Regardless, I got some good tips for our trivia night for the low cost of a haircut!)

After this trivia night is done, I can turn my attention to the team - mapping out a training schedule, some training rides, setting up a team meeting and a fix-a-flat class, and maybe (big maybe) secure us some donations for jerseys. We'll see.

I'll also loop back with my donors to fill them in on my antics.

Thanks for your support! 

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