Monday, May 11, 2015

Gratitude, with no attitude.

I apparently have been neglecting some obligations, such as sewing on buttons, making pies, and updating blogs, while doing things like getting ready for the Fulton Gran Fondo ride this past Saturday.

"Sew on your own buttons, I'm going for a ride."

This was the longest bike ride, and the least-supported event, that I've ever done. 103 miles, 3 rest stops, and about 7.5 hours of riding (including the very, very slow, sometimes stopped, very congested first 8 miles). The ride started and ended at Fulton Brewery, where there was free coffee in the morning and food trucks, beer, and live music in the evening. It was a super fun day and a great route.

Five of us from our MS team, Stacy's Cycling Supporters, did the ride: Kristin, who is doing the 150, Dan and Steve, who are doing the TRAM, and Matt and I, who will be doing both MS rides this summer.

Maggie and Kristin, after the ride and looking to see what towns we were in way out west.

Cue sheets were essential.
I started off with two of these on my back. I think it helped. For 60 miles.

One thing I was thinking - while riding Saturday, again on Sunday, and yet still today - is that I have a really great family and friends. An amazing network of people who are kind, generous, smart, and funny.

There are people who let me draft behind them on my bike for 20+ miles when I'm tired, friends and parent after parent who give me life pep talks (sometimes during yoga), a quiet caretaker husband, and former and current neighbors-turned-friends who drop off surprise gifts and serve as the village it apparently takes to care for a dog during biking season. There are these people, and many more, who have helped me reach my MS150 fundraising goal a whole month before my ride. I am very humbled and appreciative for all of the support I receive in life, on my bike, and with my fundraising efforts.

Today's impromptu gift
at my door.

From Piper's Wingman/

Thank you so very much!

Check out my MS150 site with your own eyes!
I'm also at 24% of my goal for the MS TRAM!


  1. You are so funny! Sew on your own buttons. I'm glad to see Piper's penmanship has improved so much; she used to be pretty sloppy.
