Tuesday, December 1, 2015

One big, paved bunny hill

Today, I commuted to work for the first time in the snow.

I am connected to a woman's cycling Facebook group and it appears that a number of Minneapolitan women commuted in the snow today for the first time. One of them compared today's conditions to a bunny hill, and I'd have to agree. I've ridden in more snow, obviously, with my fat bike, but got to test out street conditions, St. Paul plowing leftovers, and traffic from the safety of my big, heavy, slow bike (or is that me?) with new studded tires in mild temps.

I learned some things today about gear, the fragility of old boots, and the kindness of faster, better riders like Ward, who decide that they are going to ride half of the way home with you. (He's got some spectacular high vis gear that I don't get to see in the summer!)

Today was Giving Tuesday. I don't think I received any donations to the MS Society, but will have to check. If you've donated before, you learned from an email from me that the new donation system is kind of quirky (but not on the donor's side!). If you donated today, and didn't get a thank you message from me yet, never fear, you will!

I've included a photo of a guy doing a fancy bike/ski thing. I think, based on things I've heard from some of you, that you think that I'm doing crazy stuff like this, when really, I'm a pretty boring bike person. Also, Google REALLY thinks that I should have searched for images of Benny Hill, rather than a bunny hill.


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