Thursday, February 11, 2016

Take the long way home

I was thinking I'd jazz up this post with some, you know, super hip Supertramp lyrics. I then realized that they're rather depressing. No go.

I think this morning's commute was the coldest weather in which I've ridden - 5 degrees (above zero), but it felt fine because there was no wind and some nice sunshine. I hadn't ridden for about 10 days due to being sick, it being kind of cold, and some logistical challenges (which served as a convenient excuse).

I had to ride today, though. There was an Angry Catfish customer appreciation event at Lake Monster Brewing tonight (catfish and lake monsters, a match made in heaven!), and although other people drove there, that just felt weird. I'll have more to say about the event some other day, but I'm so glad I rode.

I realized I have really missed biking as a transition between leaving work and arriving at home. On top of that, it started snowing lightly on my way to the brewery, and continued on my way home after. It is so pretty to ride in the snow, at least when it isn't crazy windy. It's kind of hypnotic, like the danger of using your brights in a rain or snowstorm, which they warn you about during driver's ed.

It was like this picture that I found online. Because it was so pretty and peaceful, I took the long way home, just not in the Supertramp sense.

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