Sunday, May 7, 2017

A State of Denial

I need this jersey.

On Thursday and Friday, my throat was a little sore. Since I just had a sinus infection about six weeks ago, and I was riding through a bunch of blooming trees and pollen, I was saying that it probably was just allergies, despite the fact that my husband has been sick for two weeks. (He didn't have a sore throat.)

On Thursday, a car pulled up next to me.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Are you the route captain?"

Yesterday, my nose was a little runny and I felt a little tired, but I'd signed up to do a 100-mile bike ride and didn't want to skip it.

My nose ran constantly (but it does often run when biking) during the ride, and I told myself it could still be allergies because I felt pretty good overall, despite a couple of coughs. This is the third time I've done this ride, and the the conditions were best this year, and I felt the strongest, despite my nose.

This morning, I woke up with some aches. I told myself "It's from the bike ride! It's from my sun burn! I slept poorly!"

One of my calfs. I guess my sunscreen application mid-ride,
after removing a layer, was insufficient.

So, I went to the garden store and grocery store, slowly and tiredly mowed the lawn for the first time in 2017, planted some things, came in the house and after being unduly crabby with my husband, blaming him for getting me sick, decided that I'm actually sick and took a nap.

We'll see if some magical healing happens overnight, but I'm skeptical. I don't regret the ride yesterday, but today's activities were clearly stupid. I'm not sure why I couldn't just admit it and chill out. Apparently those petunias were a big priority!

Instead of calling myself the Queen of Denial, perhaps this is a better way of looking at things: 

“Apollodorus came, Caesar saw, Cleopatra conquered.” 

I adjusted down my fundraising goal for the MS150 from $4,400 to $3,000 and raised my goal for the MS TRAM from $500 to $2,000. I like raising money with my big team for the MS150 because it is a bit more dramatic. Plus, I like to lead by example with the fundraising. I decided, though, that since I prefer the week-long TRAM ride, and want that ride to continue to be held by the MS Society, I should bring in more money for that ride. So, I'm almost at my MS150 goal - thank you! If you haven't donated and want to support my TRAM efforts, please do so. 

Now, sleep.

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