Sunday, November 19, 2017

Minnesota Goodness

While the title of this post could apply to being a hearty Minnesotan and riding these past few weekends despite the cold and occasional patches of ice, today it refers to today's fat bike ride along parts of the Minnesota River.

We rode last weekend on pavement in this area. Today was a bit more... muddy. I wish I would have copied Matt and taken a photo of my mud-laden bike at the height of its messiness. We thought it would be drier on the trail. As it was, mud was flinging up and hitting my helmet. A chunk even went between my glasses and my eye. My clothes and shoes were pretty stinky.

I think the highlight for me was trying not to run over a fully formed dead fish on the skinny, uphill, left-curving dirt trail. I'm still not great at riding - okay, not yet at all willing to ride - across a 4x4 hunk of wood across a tiny stream on 4-inch tires. I'm optimistic I'll conquer my brain at some point.

I've enjoyed getting out these past few weekends, which are making me think I might actually be able to just surpass last year's annual mileage if it stays above 20 degrees somewhat consistently during the daytime. It isn't actually about the mileage, but having a small goal will help keep me riding, which is always a good thing.

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