Saturday, October 13, 2018

Something's not right...

There is no better way to confirm that you're out of shape than by accidentally taking an 81-mile bike ride.

I haven't ridden with my friend Matt, my normal riding partner, for two months. (In that 2-month period, I went to Europe, he went to Korea, I went to San Francisco, he went to Chicago, I went to the woods.) We didn't plan to ride quite that far, but we haven't ridden out to Victoria/Carver/St. Boni for a long time, didn't map the route in advance, and apparently misremembered some things.

I also haven't ridden since I was in SFO, and was embarrassed by my shoddy riding.

But, on the bright side, we got all caught up on life stories, book and movie recommendations, and upcoming concerts. Also on the bright side - it got up to 50 and we didn't have a headwind on the second half of the ride. And to top it off, I had fried chicken for dinner - a major yet delicious rarity.

I'm behind on my duties getting info out to the team for next year's rides. I might be able to devote some time to that tomorrow as I spend much of the forecasted cold day stretching.

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