Monday, July 27, 2020


For years, I've wanted to participate in the "SepTimber" cycling event sponsored by Tribute Brewery in Eagle River and the Three Lakes Winery in, well, Three Lakes. They have a few different route lengths. If you do the full metric century, you do a big loop, starting at the brewery with the winery at the halfway point. The ride is a fundraiser to help pay for bike trails in between these little resort towns.

I usually have conflicts with the event. This year, they're still doing it in September, but without real rest stops and the gathering afterwards. Since I wanted to ride at least 60 miles, I downloaded the metric century route and rode that today.

I started from my Mom & Terry's house, which is about one mile east of the NE corner,
rode clockwise, and skipped that little interior line to/from the brewery.

I've ridden the first half of this before, and then took a straight bike trail back. So, I knew what to expect before hitting Three Lakes - - like this pretty river on Dam Road.

It flows from this, Lower Ninemile Lake.

The first half consists of a lot of rolling hills in the woods until you get closer to Three Lakes, where there are more fields and more houses. After weaving through the town (and laughing at East School Road and West School Road - two roads that flanked the school on the, uh, east and west), I ended up on County Highway A - the stretch between Three Lakes and Sugar Camp. The speed limit is 55 mph. The shoulder, at its best, was 9 inches, with four feet of gravel to the side. At its worst, the shoulder was 4 inches, with an 8-inch drop to the four feet of gravel to the side. 

It would have been totally fine if I was riding it as part of an event. Solo? Not so fun. Plus there was a headwind (although that's better than the one brief glimpse I got of a side wind, given the lack of a shoulder). I ended up riding 40 miles before I took a break, which was not great considering that my sore back really appreciates a break at about mile 20.

But then I was on pretty decent roads from Sugar Camp up to Highway 70, including the very nice State Forest Road H. I knew I was getting close to to Highway 70 when I saw a "gentlemen's club" - gross. 

Photo taken from the bike. I think it was
County Road D.

With 15 miles to go, I took my second break to stretch my back, to put some more sunscreen on my face, and to use nature's facilities. (I need to update my illustrated guide; ferns make a great cover from the waist down!)

It is hard, with normal-length arms,
to get a selfie that shows your jersey.

I had a really nice tailwind for about 10 miles. I wasn't even working one bit while going about 20 mph. After I got back, Terry took this finish line photo of me. Like yesterday, I then jumped in the lake and swam around a little bit before taking a shower and putting on real clothes. The wind made it a little chilly, but I sure love swimming in a lake when it isn't freezing. I ate a snack and packed up a Bloody Mary to take to the neighbors' for a socially distanced happy hour, where I got to pet a cute little dog and threaten to take her home with me.

A good day.

Look at that face! I want to kiss her.
Her name is Lacy or Lacey (Laysee? Laci? Lacie?)


  1. My last break was at mile 45ish. My first break was at mile 32, not 40.

  2. Impressive ride! Nice work, Maggie.
