Dear Bloggy,
Greetings from Wisconsin! I'd say "Wish you were here," but of course, given technological advances, you are!
As a cheese lover, I'd have to say that being surrounded by cheese at every gas station deli case, and never being more than 20 minutes from a cheese haus, a cheese chalet, or just a business called "CHEESE and Stuff!" is rather comforting. I think you'd like it, Bloggy.
One thing I've noticed on this trip is that there also is an unusually large number of "adult superstores," often located near, or in the same building as, fireworks retailers. I wouldn't have expected such demand here.
I goofed around on my mountain bike yesterday, getting the dog to chase me around my one set of parents' land in the country. We purposely chased the geese, but inadvertently startled the peasants. With that little jaunt, I got in my 26th of 27 possible rides so far in my commitment to 30 days of riding. I'm planning on doing #27 later today.
In full disclosure, most of those "rides" consisted of pedaling to the end of the alley and back. Maybe that's why I've ignored you lately, Blogster. . . just not a whole lot to report. Although I had that great 43-mile ride last Sunday. It's time to pick it up! More riding is needed to prep for these rides!
Around this point in the MS 150 training cycle, I start obsessing like this guy: Although I feel a bit calmer this year, biking is definitely on my mind.
I am thinking I might use the one gift certificate I got last year for being a high fundraiser (I donated a lot of it back) to get one of these Twin Six/Current jerseys pictured below. I also have scheduled an appointment for a bike fitting to see if there's any small tweaks I can make to make my back less sore, and am trying to rally my team to get closer to our team fundraising goal. And, because I'm a glutton (at least for punishment), I applied to be on the city's bike committee.
I resolve, dear Blog, to be a better correspondent, and will try to bring you some cheese curds or 15-year cheddar.