Friday, July 12, 2013

Hodgepodge of observations on way to International Falls for TRAM Eve

It's that time again! (Cue cheesy 70s game show music.) Miscellaneous thoughts running through my brain! This must mean a big ride is approaching. It is too hard to organize my thoughts as we are headed to International Falls (the inspiration for Rocky's and Bullwinkle's Frostbite Falls) to start the ride tomorrow....

- If you want to bike more, but don't have the time, get rid of your car. I loaned mine out for about 10 days and got a lot of exercise.

- I bike to work through two small shopping districts. Whole Foods customers routinely turn right in front of me, but not visitors of other shops. Maybe it is because Whole Foods opens earlier and has customers right away.

- If you live in the MSP area, this one is for you: I'm not saying it can't be done, but it is really bad idea to do a u-turn on Ford Parkway without looking around yourself sufficiently. Nothing bad happened but it could've been real ugly for the guy who did it and his girlfriend who almost blindly followed him. It could've been really uncomfortable for me, too, if the girlfriend hadn't heard me yell "Do NOT turn! I am right behind you, and so are two cars."

- If you invite people over for a BBQ and they have children, it doesn't hurt to carry spare house keys in your pocket. Although the art work they hang on your fridge (as an apology?) can be nice.

- Something I pondered when seeing an old woman on a road bike is how old can I be and still ride a bike? And still have it be fun? 80?

- We are looking at highs in the 70s and 80s each day, good chance of rain three days, rain likely a fourth day... I don't think the wind is supposed to be too bad. We will see!

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