Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Hey you, out there on the road... can you help me?"

The blog, as of late
Dear Maggie, dear, dear, Maggie -

I have found the password 2 edit me, your Blog, and have decided 2 leave U a message here, telling U 2 get your flippin' act together. I'm just sitting here in my sweatpants, wallowing in my sorrows, listening 2 Pink Floyd, drinking cheap liquor mixed with Mountain Dew while U galavant around town and neglect yer responsibilities.
Yer lucky U have me. Here's the photo U were supposed to show of  U riding yer bike with Mark on the Dinkytown Greenway on August 4 before U went with Matt on what U said was one of your "favorite bike rides of the summer." I'm so great, I even found a video of it. U and Mark are at 0:33-0:35.

And then what did U do? U skipped town! U went and played in the mud with yer friends. Happy yet?

Nice, U and Jennifer are just hanging out on this rope, laughing. Did U even try to run this course? And what's going on here? Why R U smiling?

I was asking around town and heard that you've been rowing more lately, supposedly to try to prep for yer rowing camp in Vermont in the first part of Sept. Next thing U know, U will claim that U can't get a reliable signal in the wilderness and stay in touch with your ol' friend Blog. Whatever. [Hiccup.]

I miss you. Love, Bloggy. p.s. Together we stand, divided we fall.

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