Friday, February 20, 2015

With Vigor and Energy defines "vibrant" as pulsating with vigor and energy.

I have been thinking the past few days about all the great people I know and tonight settled on the adjective "vibrant." I think this period of reflection is due, in part, to spending the past week with my 13-year old niece.

Snow Ostrich

Taking her on her first snowshoeing adventure reminded me of how conventional I can be. I just stood there, on my snowshoes, rather than jumping up and sliding down hills with them on. I wanted to keep walking to stay warm, rather than bury my head in a hole that I dug in a snowbank. I ended up joining in the fun, but admit it wasn't my first impulse.

My good friend Marcy is an adult version of my niece, marveling in the beauty surrounding her and living in the moment, regardless of the activity. I always love hearing her observations because she looks at things so differently than the way I do.

Margie, who I barely know but is my Facebook friend after I took a couple of her yoga classes, has perfected projecting very calming energy. She is vibrant, too, but in a totally different way.

The list continues, and doesn't include just people whose first names start with "Mar...".

I don't think of myself as very vibrant. I instead see myself as a foil for all of the vibrancy and wit around me. However, in February each year, as winter continues, I feel even less vibrant than normal. I'd better get with the program, though, and adjust my attitude and activity level if I want to be able to do the fat bike Birkie ride in two weeks!

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