Sunday, May 15, 2016

When all else fails, there's Kierkegaard

Kierkegaard said, "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." As much as I look back at today, there are things I don't understand.

Oh, sure, I can surmise that the driver of the car that ran the red light this morning, after making sure the pedestrians and bikes had crossed safely, was dealing with a medical emergency (or just politely breaks laws).

And maybe the lady holding the baby in one arm and using the other to pull a push broom to remove the freshly mowed grass from her lawn lost her rake and felt compelled to remove the grass clippings, but didn't have the time or means to go get a rake.

Perhaps the reason why the bunnies in the yard approached me and the dog was because they are used to the dog being a lame rabbit chaser and were reckless tween bunnies.

But why did I ride my bike on 30-degree, windy Saturday and drive in to work and go shopping on 60-degree Sunday? Oh, sure, there are reasons, but do I truly understand them?

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