Thursday, February 16, 2017

Manual Reboot

To make a long story short, I'm spending 10 of 14 days in the Bay Area, with the four days in Minneapolis somewhere in the middle of all that. It's an unconventional way to spend February, but I don't seem to always do things the most easy or logical way.

I have the opportunity with these trips to see friends and family in the midst of tucking in some work (I do need to get paid, after all), and am particularly appreciative of my sister's support in helping me connect with a long-time friend last week. In my job, there are people that I have gotten to know really well over a long period of time. The friend that I got to see last week falls into that category. He's had an extremely tough year and still has some big challenges ahead. I'm grateful that I got to visit him and meet his family, each and every one of whom is a source of inspiration in their own way. 

I'm glad that on the heels of that visit, my sister and I got into the woods twice in one day. That helped me process some of my thoughts and feelings, and also was a great way to transition out of the Minnesota cold and grey.

While there was a lot of good quality family time on this trip, my sister and I made it a priority to spend a good chunk of time together without others. I got to borrow the nicer-than-any-of-my-bikes bike of my now-taller-than-me niece for two bike rides. The longer of the two took us to this great water temple by the reservoir - always a favorite destination. It was great to be outside on a bike and not be numb and to get to ride up and down some hills, which are a rare commodity in Minnesota.

My sister and I also went to the ocean and looked at creatures big (seals) and small (hermit crabs) for a long time, enjoying the salty breeze before topping the perfect day off with dinner at a vegetarian Indian restaurant.

This was just the bit of re-set I needed to get me through the vacillating end-of-winter temps as we get ready for spring. It also was the bit of sanity restoration I needed before a big push of effort at work, at dance class, and to get that trivia event to happen. Fresh air, sunshine, and a lack of long underwear and mittens can do wonders. And now to pack that bag...

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