Monday, May 27, 2019

I'm Not Gonna Lie...

I'm not gonna lie, the cold rainy days are starting to get to me.

Waiting in my car for the others to show up
to ride today, taking photos of my fendered-up bike.

I'm not gonna lie, I did have fun riding despite the conditions and the fact that I had to sit in my car with the heat on for a long time before I could bend my fingers to remove my bike helmet or shoes for the drive home.

Today's hearty crew. I'm wearing a shower cap under
a baseball cap under a bike helmet.

I purposely crappily cropped the screenshot
so that you'd know I stole this.
Look at the water around the pavilion.

As a frame of reference, this it the pavilion when
the water is at normal levels. It is not normally
an island in the river. This is from a ride in 2015.

I'm pretty impressed that we rode, given what
all the weather sites were accurately predicting.
But look! I got my passport jersey from the
MS Society. This is what I get for raising enough
money to do rides in other states. That's fun.
I like that they gave me this, in addition to
promising me that I won't have to
wait in lines for port-a-potties.

I'm not gonna lie, I didn't mind the 90-degree temps in Kentucky this weekend, although I missed two nice weekend days in Minnesota that would have been great for riding.

We toured Woodford Reserve, which
was very slick. We also toured a
tiny distillery in Bourbon County -
the only distillery in Bourbon County in
the past 100 years. It was tiny and cool.

Woodford. Check out all the bubbling
stuff that will eventually be bourbon.

Tons of huge barrels in the warehouse,
including some that are special editions.
At the small distillery, they use way
smaller barrels. Now I know why the
TTB/ATF regulations I saw about
getting rid of small barrels are causing
such a ruckus and I now know
more about Big Alcohol's nefarious ways.

I'm not gonna lie, I didn't take photos of the important stuff, like all the family members I saw at my cousin's wedding. But I never even shared photos of our trip to New Orleans five weeks ago.

New Orleans. April 2019.
I cannot resist mimicking statues. And my
eyes are demonstrating how much I liked this Bloody
Mary mix. So much, in fact, that I just ordered a box
of six bottles. It was good even without alcohol.
I ordered the crawfish sacks because I was
(obviously) super curious as well as the fact that
I have a juvenile sense of humor.

I'm not gonna lie, I thought that it would be painful to start reading Dune, as I promised my S-I-L and nephew I would do. I am really liking it. A lot.

I'm so happy to be back on a fiction kick
after reading all of the non-fiction
books that people gave me as gifts.
They were important books, but not
something I feel compelled to read during
all of my free moments.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm nervous about the MS150 in less than two weeks and the likelihood of cold rain. It just snowed in Duluth again recently. S.N.O.W. Camping out the night before the ride could be rather bone-chilling. Argh.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm grateful for all of the donations to the MS Society, but my team is behind on its goal of hitting $100,000 this year, our 10th anniversary year, so I'll gladly accept more of your generosity!

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