Sunday, May 5, 2024

Middle Distance Ru... Cycler

Today was a beautiful day in Minneapolis, and a great day for biking. My friend Matt and I rode to Grey Cloud Island. It was around 60 degrees when we started, around 70 degrees when we finished, sunny, and with a slight headwind for just a bit at the end (of course, but it wasn't bad). 

I keep a spreadsheet each year of each of my rides, including information about where I rode, who with, and which bike I rode - - because I need a hobby, I guess. Anyhow, it turns out that given last year's injury, this was the longest bike ride I've done since 2022 and the first time I've been to Grey Cloud since 2022. Because it is such a nice rural route, I rode to Grey Cloud seven times in 2020, when I was trying to stay away from people (although we saw several people doing a similar route today) and kill lots of time. That was my biggest Grey Cloud year to date.

It is weird to think that I didn't ride this distance even once last year, when in normal years this has been an average cycling day (a little over 50 miles). When pondering that, it made me think of this nice song, Middle Distance Runner, by Sea Wolf, although it isn't really about running, either. (Click on the arrow to hear it.)

I didn't do a good job of taking photos, which is too bad - - Grey Cloud Island is pretty. And we purposely rode through the winding trail down through Battle Creek Park, just because it is so scenic. My photos are kind of meh. But the trail crosses back and forth over the creek, where there are a series of human-reinforced waterfalls. (Meaning humans constructed some erosion-proof waterfalls, versus humans standing in the waterfalls.)

I was taking these photos for my friend's dad, who apparently thinks I haven't been taking enough pictures on my rides and sharing them. These crappy photos are for you, Mark Hochhauser! 

Anyhow, when I do the weeklong Ride Across Minnesota in July, we'll be averaging about 60 miles per day, so I will need to start getting some more rides in like today, and do them back-to-back. My hip was a little unhappy for part of the ride today, as was my other knee which I tweaked somehow this week, and my butt was reminded of the fact that I prefer to ride with no padded shorts - just regular shorts. 

Just like this was about 1/5 of the bike ride, it looks like I'm at about 1/5 of my fundraising goal. Better get on that! I've been aiming for $5,000 because I think I'd like to do a ride in another state next year, and, like how it worked for me in 2019 when I rode in the Bay Area, you only have to fundraise for one of the two events, if you bring in $5,000. Plus, of course, the MS Society does great work and is a trusted resource for friends of mine with MS.

I'm pretty excited that the Thursday night FTW rides that my friend Laura leads are starting up again - - that's always a good way to get out there and move, and with fun people.

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