Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bacon and cheap tequila

Bacon. Cheap tequila. Raw garlic. Roller coasters. Cabbage.

These are all things where moderation is prudent, in my mind.

Perhaps I'm not committed enough to cycling - or anything - to fully appreciate how it could be enjoyable to ride a bike 556.856 miles over 24 hours. Maybe my attitude stems from my inability to sustain 23 mph for an hour on flat land with a tailwind, while this guy averaged that pace over an entire 24 period. That's factoring in any quick stops for the bathroom (provided he didn't just always go while riding), to stretch out a cramp or his back/shoulders, or to jump on another bike when getting a flat tire.

This is amazing, and perplexing. Such is life.



  1. Why not have a go at this instead? http://ultracycling.com/sections/records/data/hamr/ :)
