Sunday, April 27, 2014

Greetings from Wisconsin

Dear Bloggy,

Greetings from Wisconsin! I'd say "Wish you were here," but of course, given technological advances, you are!

As a cheese lover, I'd have to say that being surrounded by cheese at every gas station deli case, and never being more than 20 minutes from a cheese haus, a cheese chalet, or just a business called "CHEESE and Stuff!" is rather comforting. I think you'd like it, Bloggy.

One thing I've noticed on this trip is that there also is an unusually large number of "adult superstores," often located near, or in the same building as, fireworks retailers. I wouldn't have expected such demand here.

I goofed around on my mountain bike yesterday, getting the dog to chase me around my one set of parents' land in the country. We purposely chased the geese, but inadvertently startled the peasants. With that little jaunt, I got in my 26th of 27 possible rides so far in my commitment to 30 days of riding. I'm planning on doing #27 later today.

In full disclosure, most of those "rides" consisted of pedaling to the end of the alley and back. Maybe that's why I've ignored you lately, Blogster. . . just not a whole lot to report. Although I had that great 43-mile ride last Sunday. It's time to pick it up! More riding is needed to prep for these rides!

Around this point in the MS 150 training cycle, I start obsessing like this guy: Although I feel a bit calmer this year, biking is definitely on my mind.

I am thinking I might use the one gift certificate I got last year for being a high fundraiser (I donated a lot of it back) to get one of these Twin Six/Current jerseys pictured below. I also have scheduled an appointment for a bike fitting to see if there's any small tweaks I can make to make my back less sore, and am trying to rally my team to get closer to our team fundraising goal. And, because I'm a glutton (at least for punishment), I applied to be on the city's bike committee.

I resolve, dear Blog, to be a better correspondent, and will try to bring you some cheese curds or 15-year cheddar.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

California & April: a New Must-Have?

"I remember long ago
How I wondered where I'd go
While the blizzards, cold wind and snow
Pounded outside my window.
California sunset
Going down in the west
All the colors in the sky
Kiss another day goodbye." Neil Young

I'm 17-17 so far for riding in April. In addition to the fairly meaningless rides to the end of the alley and back, I got some bike commuting and bike errands in between snowstorms and a short warm-up ride in California last weekend, followed by a longer ride with my sister Molly, brother-in-law Tom, and husband Dan. I also walked a ton, in the city and in nature, trying out a new East Bay park with my friend Anne and her son, and watching how a 12-year old girl reacts to getting a worm in her mouth (one of those cute, green inch worms hanging from trees, not a fat earthworm). I got some good quality niece time running around at the park, too.

The day after we got back to Minnesota, we faced snow and ice, hopefully for the last time until the late fall. This has got me thinking that I might need to go to California every April to start my training for the MS 150. 

It was good to be there last year while people in Minnesota were shoveling out, and nice this year to feel some warmth. And, of course, great to see family and friends.

I think it is going to be a great weekend for riding and to get some miles under my belt.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A regular ol' mechanic over here...

That's a total joke. I am continually flummoxed by derailleurs.

I am not a handy person, so I take pride in being able to change my tires, install a water bottle holder on my frame (for those of you who have done this, you know that a baby monkey could accomplish this one), clean and lube my chain while looking cool with my bike on our bike stand, etc. Seriously, these are things anyone can do, but a lot of people don't.

My new rack for my Framed bike didn't hold my super great panniers, which have two hooks at the top to hang on a rack, and an elastic band at the bottom to keep each pannier from flopping off.

After about an hour of considering my options, it struck me that Banjo Brothers, the local company who made my panniers, might have adapters. Indeed!

I ordered them, installed them, and the rest is history.

But Banjo Brothers. Check them out. Not only did they send me ample hooks, but a free phone holder thing. And their product guide folds open to reveal an Adam Turman poster. He's the local artist who has been providing me with the biking postcards I use as MS 150 thank you cards.

I love my community.

9 for 9 on the 30 days of biking, 58% of the way to my goal with 58 days left...

Monday, April 7, 2014

Captain George Gooding's Daughter, Amelia.

What a difference two months makes. Today, I ran an errand via my mountain bike (the fat bike with normal mountain bike tires on it). I took these photos roughly in the same spot by Lake Nokomis as in my February 14 Valentine's Day post.

You can tell that the ice is breaking up and that the snow is largely melted. The trees are still bare, but with these 50-60 degree temps, that won't last long. 

The February ride and the ride today are the only two times I've ridden around Lake Nokomis in many years. It is a highly underrated lake, but let's keep it a secret so all the crowds stay at Harriet and Calhoun. I am hopeful that this summer I'll get my act together and try out Sandcastle, the new restaurant at Lake Nokomis. A bit of trivia: Lake Nokomis, until 1910, was named Lake Amelia. (What is kind of funny is that there are about 100 websites indicating that Lake Amelia was named that in honor of Captain George Gooding's daughter, but none really say exactly who Gooding was, exactly. I think he was stationed near the fort early on in Minnesota history. I'll have to look in a *gasp* book!).

I'm 7 for 7 on the 30 days of biking in April, based on the fact that I've embraced the phrase "any distance counts." 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Eagles and rivers

I'm regrouping after a ride on the paved trails along the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers (on my mountain bike, to bust through the piles of slush better and ride through the winter debris). I was scouting out the trail conditions and was enjoying it so much, I went further than planned.

As I'm typing, the cat we are watching is trying to get the dog to share the dog's bed and, well, the dog does not want to snuggle. It is fairly entertaining.

But not as entertaining as the three eagles I saw today, including one that went right over my head. I'm including a photo from the fort, where that eagle was, and my annual spring photo of the confluence of the two rivers.

I rode to work Wednesday, the day before our big snowstorm, and made a detour on the way in to the eye doctor for a checkup. I might not recommend riding with dilated eyes on a bright spring day.

62 days until the ride and I'm at 58% of my fundraising goal. Maybe I will make it to 62% by day 58?