Tuesday, April 25, 2023

An unexpected twist

Well, I typed in the title for this post with the intent of remarking on the state of my back, but instead let me just get out of the way the sad tale that I twisted my ankle on Sunday when taking Haley the dog (my phone ALWAYS wants to autocorrect that to Janet!) for a walk in the woods. It wasn't a bad twist but I definitely lost my balance and I made a big "oh!" noise. I am trying to be very careful about uneven surfaces as I enter the last 1/3 of my half-marathon training.
And now, like any good, old person, let me tell you about my back, and my sciatica, and my bunions. Just kidding. But. The "twist" is that my back has been bothering me a lot for the past few days but oddly it felt better after I rode my bike tonight! What a turn of events! I have never spoken these words before! 

Sadly this was only bike ride #2 of the season, but I got to check out the flood conditions. Lilydale Road is solidly under water, as is most of Fort Snelling State Park and Hidden Falls Park. I wonder how long it will take the water to recede. I hope the displaced animals are sheltered enough. I was freaking out a bit on my ride, thinking it would get dark and I didn't have all my lights, so I'd have to pedal quickly. I then realized it is the freaking end of April (despite the weather conditions, still) so it is very light out at night. I then dawdled to look at the rivers a lot.
I now am scanning the weather report for the next few days to decide which days between now and Saturday I will do my scheduled 6 and 10 (gulp) mile runs. It is supposed to remain 45-50ish and drizzly, although tomorrow looks nice. 
We escaped reality for a day last weekend and went to River Falls, Wisconsin, for a bluegrass festival that featured a band I really like. I drank beer throughout the day. While I was never even tipsy, it was like lead in my body by the end of it all, so I think I will be pretty abstentious for the next month. It's hard enough to pick up my body on each step as it is! (Biking was glorious!)
Anyhow, if you're inclined to help with my fundraising goal to support the MS Society in its good work to help keep others moving, here you go: 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

This weather is bullsh*t, but...

So, yeah, it continues to be cold, wet, and windy and not very pleasant (e.g., snow) after a few bizarrely hot days last week. 

However, I still managed to run 8 miles again today, in between rain showers. The first time I ran this far on my life was five days ago after recovering from my shingles shot. Today didn't feel as good, but I also ran 3+5 miles in the intervening days and it was cold and damp. So I'm not being too judgey of myself.

Also, there is a lot to be thankful for despite the weather, our climate, and current events.

1. I am physically able to attempt starting running at age 50.
2. Phones, earbuds, and podcasts exist.
3. I have a job, spouse, and family situation supportive of me just going off and doing things pretty much whenever I want. Within reason.
4. My running shoes are amazing and my orthotics top notch. 
5. I have good insurance that mostly paid for my orthotics, and income to pay for the rest. 
6. It isn't great biking weather so although I'm missing biking, I'm not holding a grudge against the need to go for runs. Biking will follow.
7. I live near water that I can run by and see animals and be soothed by water.
8. I am not the subject of the podcast I am listening to, which has so far focused on a cult, a plane crash, and a serial killer. 
9. I literally have a dog at my feet. And she currently is snuggling rather than barking. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Well, well, well, here we are. It is still cold and today was windy with flurries, although we've had some days of melty warmth here and there and some rain tossed in. Facebook memories are taunting me with photos of pleasant-weather bike rides in March and April in past years. 

I wore my cross country
skiing clothes for today's run.

On the bright side, I've been able to find some non-icy spots to run during a time when I probably wouldn't be able to get out on my bike anyhow. This will prove to have been important, I think, for the half marathon I signed up to do in May. I still will need to get some bike riding in to train for our hilly ride in Belgium in June, but apparently this was a good year to decide to do a running race (due to poor biking conditions thus far)? 

I am halfway through week 5

I have been following the training plan perfectly so far, which is akin to the commitment I put in to training for my very first BikeMS ride over a dozen years ago. I've had to use my inhaler more for exercising outside post-COVID, but am feeling pretty good, especially after I got new orthotics and new running shoes. I'd appreciate any support you can provide - good wishes or donations to the MS Society (https://mssociety.donordrive.com/participant/GoMaggieGo-2023). 

You can also show your support by giving me a few suggestions for my running playlist! I learned when running 6 miles last Saturday that podcasts are going to be my thing for long training days, but I would like a fun fresh mix of music for the day of the half marathon. Help me build it!

Oh, you may be asking, "Maggie, but didn't Minneapolis get nearly 9 inches of snow on Saturday, despite it being April? Isn't this the third snowiest winter in Minneapolis ever in recorded history? How did you accomplish this feat?" 

This gave me something to ponder
March 11 - I thought this was going to be the last
of the cold weather. Ha! The trail was pretty empty at least.

I was in California with my sisters, my stepmom, and my brother-in-law, and ran three times in the mild temps and then rewarded myself with fresh grapefruit from my sister's backyard. Two a day! And I brought two home with me. Yummmm. 

I'm still not a master of selfies, but like this photo
nonetheless. We had lunch by the beach after I ran 6 miles
for the first time in my life. I'd done 5 several times
in high school, but never 6. Pretty soon I'll be
doing double that. I guess.

In any event, it looks like it will be warm this weekend and the snow may finally melt once and for all. Bike riding on my non-running days seems like it will happen. Wish me luck in avoiding all the debris that was hiding under the snowbanks for 5 months, not falling into any of the many deep, wide potholes while biking, and not getting sideswiped by cars avoiding said potholes. 

I'm exciting to try out the new biking things I got for Christmas, finally!

(Also, many apologies for accidentally bolding this entire post and being unable to revert it to normal. I don't know what is going on. But I will use italics for extra flair, I guess.)