For several years, I have gone for a Thanksgiving ride as part of my own little holiday tradition.
Today, I pulled out my mountain bike, which I use for winter commuting, to make sure it is in working order for the season. (I have been having a lot of anxiety-ridden dreams, no longer taking the form of math tests, but now involving insufficiently inflated tires on this bike!)
The bigger tires came in handy for handling slush and some deeper snow patches on the shady trail to Fort Snelling State Park. I am so grateful that I can ride into a state park from my house in Minneapolis.
I saw a bunch of turkeys followed by a treasure trove of raccoon, turkey, and deer tracks. If you, dear reader, know what little creature was galloping along the left side of the raccoon, please let me know. I am having a hard time matching both the track and the gait and don't have a track book at home.
We had a nice holiday dinner with our friend Jen, and cooked up the giblets for the dog. It was a nice low key holiday.