Tuesday, July 16, 2013

TRAMalot, TRAMps like us, TRAM-a-lamma-ding-dong

These are just a few of the names of the teams participating in the TRAM. But our little, two-person team is holding its own!

Yesterday we left International Falls at about 7:20 a.m. We were two of the last riders to leave. We are novice week-long riders. We were riding pretty quickly and were at the front of the pack at the end of 81.4 miles. Will we run out of steam? Other people seem to go slow and steady and take a lot of breaks. Well, except for the people that are riding 100 miles each day.


- TRAM riders are more sociable, seasoned (most people I've met have ridden it at least 10 times), and older (we are young riders).  Nicer, too, than the MS 150. Less corporate.
- Chisolm is remarkably pretty, but if you think our economy has fully improved, visit the iron range. Buhl was depressing, as was a city we rode through yesterday.
- We have crossed the Little Fork river a few times. It is beautiful. The whole ride has been really pretty. I saw a weird and cool round house yesterday.
- It's good it was only 51.7 miles today. Hot headwind, hilly.
- Tomorrow we go to Biwabik. 57.9 miles. It looks like we go through Virginia. We will be on the Mesabi Trail a lot, I think.
- My back is bugging me a lot. This muscle on my left lower side is pretty much on fire most of the ride. When I'm off my bike it is fine. I think I need to do more situps and core work in the winter. Ibuprofen helps, as does stopping at each rest stop.
- It is a fun week so far. I hope Dan and Piper are having an ok time, despite the less-than-ideal camping scenario.
- I'm one of the lower-ranked fundraisers for this ride, but between my two rides, I am feeling really proud. Thanks for the financial support and all your excellent words of encouragement!

I have a lot of photos I took from my bike. I'll create an album when I am home.

1 comment:

  1. Rock on Maggie! Enjoy the ride! I can't wait to see all of your pictures.
