So, I'm juggling a lot at the moment with work, all the assorted planning for the trivia event, doing some research into some things for our biking team (sponsors for jerseys? etc.), trying to get a little exercise (not doing so well with that), and trying to do what's needed on the home front.
I was thinking that it's easier to ride my bike 150 miles, probably, than it is to plan/host the trivia night. Why, then, am I using it to try to help me meet my biking fundraising goals?
I am not fully sure, honestly. I guess I think that it is a fun way for people to donate. People might donate more than they otherwise would if they get a night out thrown into the mix. Perhaps people might donate that wouldn't otherwise donate, so it gets the word out about the MS Society. (We have 72 people playing!) Plus, I like throwing parties. (72 people!) And I hate February and need something to keep my mind off the fact that it stinks.
My friend Marcy and I took a nice walk today on the creek, which is obviously frozen over for us to be walking on it. It was really cool to find spots under the bridges where there wasn't any snow and look through the ice and see cracks, trapped air bubbles, the bottom of the creek, etc. It was fun to see all the bike and ski tracks on the creek, too. That's the benefit of a super cold winter.
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