Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Don't Bank On It

Today I rode at Lebanon Hills park for the first time. A super nice guy coming off the trail as I was heading in asked, incredulously, "Where do you live, that this is your first time here?!?" I explained that I live close, but I ride on flat trails. He said, "Oh, you'll find this isn't flat." It wasn't flat, but I only rode on the easy trail, so it wasn't difficult. And one part was kind of fun, like a roller coaster. It sure was pretty.

What I learned:

- Once my hands are warm enough to wear just gloves, and not mittens on top of them, I have way more control over shifting and braking.

- Banked turns are better done quickly in the snow, although I skidded out on two of them - twice. So, even though faster is better, I can't, ahem, bank on it.

- Those toe warmer things help, although I cringe at the one-time use/disposal nature of them.

- Little trails in the woods are much more sheltered from the wind than the wider, flatter trails.

- The nice guy and two people who were pulling in as I was leaving also have Framed bikes, but this year's models. (The nice guy was bummed that his bike cost way more than mine.) It seems like this was a good investment for The House bike shop to design and sell these bikes.

- Tons more people have fat bikes this year than last year.

- I'm much better on a trail the second time I ride it than the first.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thanks, Park Rangers!

Deer Fort Snelling State Park Rangers,

My parents told me that it is palite to send thank-you letters when I get presents.

When we moved to this house a long time ago, I was really, really happy. Why? Becuz I found out that your park is really close. Not just the old-timey stuff, but the nature part to! I like to go there to swim and to walk the dog in the woods. I like to go sking there to, becuz it is nice & flat. :-)

Now, this winter time, you are making trails for lots of activitys like riding fat tire bikes! I road my fat tire bike their today and it was really nice!

Thank you for the X-mas present. I really like it!


Maggie Mahoney
Age 42

p.s. heres a picsure from my bike ride today! It got dark and that was really neat.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

And to all, a good night.

Her eyes — how they twinkled! Her cheeks were like roses, her nose like a cherry.

And the helmet it encircled her head like a wreath.

She had a broad face, and a little round belly that shook when she laugh'd, like a bowl full of jelly.

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work, and fill'd all the tires then turn'd with a jerk. She sprung to her bike, to the town gave a whistle, and away she flew, like the down of a thistle.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

My favorite solstice

Most people would be bummed about the shortest day of the year, but I love the winter solstice and the fact that the days get noticeably longer, despite spring being a little further than just around the corner... It's the summer solstice that bums me out, although it is offset by fun summer things.

This past summer, my friends and I spent one freakin' hot day at the Tour de Fat, where we saw these fun bikes (including that big bear-thing, which is powered by many people pedaling a pedal-pub-type thing), and where I got a fun bike-themed t-shirt. I've been saving the photos for a day like today.

HURRAY! The solstice!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mother Nature's B-day Gift

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I had unfinished business with my road bike. Apparently Mother Nature heard that, and gave us a reprieve from winter so I could try to address that.

I didn't go far, but I did a fun, sloppy ride to and from yoga today. I do love my bike. Thanks, Mother Nature, for the small bit of sanity to usher in another year of life. I feel this is the perfect recalibration.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Visiting some old friends

Last June, two top trails in the area were closed due to landslides, and remained closed all summer. In today's spring-like 30-degree weather, I took my fat bike out and decided to see if the Mendota/Lilydale trail/road was open.

I had a blissful ride on the trail. It was so open, in fact, that a mountain bike or road bike with slightly wide tires could've handled the occasional bigger patches of snow and ice just fine. I just got an extra workout by doing it on fat tires.

The lack of foliage allowed me to see that there are a lot of homes perched on that little cliff, just waiting to tip over.

On the way back, I stopped by Fort Snelling to pay tribute to Whiskey the horse. Someone kindly left him some carrots, which this little cutie was gnawing on. If I was someone who said, "adorbs," this would be the time to do so.