Saturday, June 3, 2023

Minnesota (and Iowa?!?), Mend Me

Who needs to go to Europe, anyhow, when she can instead stay right here for her vacation, possibly still on crutches for extra fun? 

Yes, friends, the MRI I had about 10 days ago not only confirmed my frayed hip labrum and hip impingement detected in the x-ray and physical exam, but also indicated that I have a precursor to a stress fracture at the top of my femur. (Running schmunning...) So, no walking, no cycling that is remotely challenging, no standing.

We toyed with the idea of trying an e-bike for our scheduled bike trip in Belgium later this month, but that is not going to solve the mobility problem for a variety of reasons. Plus my doc doesn't want me on a plane. So we, sadly, have backed out of that trip.

We are going to still take vacation since we had committed to paying the dogsitter and both need to recharge in our own ways. What are we doing, praytell?!?

Going to Iowa. 

Yes, indeed. We are going to Decorah to visit a brewery. And then we will be home a bit (and go to a bar that has a lot of Belgian-style beer), and then go to the North Shore (of Lake Superior, in MN) for a couple of days to rejuvenate.

Which makes me think of this song, "Minnesota, Mend Me":

I listened to that song one day last year on a great day of a BikeMS ride from the Iron Range of Minnesota to Two Harbors, on the shore of Lake Superior. That was a perfect day.

I could have real problems, but I don't. This is a disappointment, but not a big life problem. As of right now, my new goals for the summer are (1) to get off crutches, (2) to do the allowable light cycling and light swimming and extra-light PT until I can do real PT and then do that, (3) not drink too much beer, and (4) be recovered enough to ride my bike to Hastings at the end of the summer. My other goal is to watch my new wisteria vines grow and figure out how to best use them as a shield from the alley. 

Not the summer I planned, but things could be much worse.