Monday, August 22, 2016

Good strong words that mean something

“I like good strong words that mean something." ― Louisa May AlcottLittle Women

Lawyers can be sort of nit-picky. But as a drafter and interpreter of laws, I feel confident in asserting that words mean something. I saw this sign when I got off the elevator to go up to my hotel room. 

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My first thought? "Excellent! There's extra padding in the carpeting so that you can't hear the people upstairs. The doors are heavy, so you can't hear people in the hallway."

And then I saw this thing to hang on the door so you aren't disturbed.

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Tranquility! Serenity! These are my people! How did they know that I've been craving serene, tranquil, quiet? How'd they know that what I most appreciated about my short bike ride on Saturday was the quiet of riding in the rain, the serenity and tranquility of riding in the dark?

Well, my friends, I don't know how you'd define tranquil, serene quiet. After working in my hotel room tonight to prepare for tomorrow's meeting, I would define "tranquil, serene quiet" in the negative, as in "not being able to hear the person next door use the bathroom."

It seems a vital piece of soundproofing went undone in the newly remodeled wing. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The signs of summer

The last few nights, I've been loving the sound of the chirping crickets, despite the occasional, irrational terror that they cause in me.

My dad, who likes to scare kids, made up a super scary horror story one summer. He cocked his head, and quietly said, "Do you hear that? Crickets." He then proceeded to tell us, how the sound of crickets reminded him of an event when he was in high school, and made up a long, freakin' scary story about being in underground tunnels at his seminary, being hunted by a demonic creature. It scared the pants off us.

So, despite my fear of the insects, they make me think of being a kid in the summer, when we'd play fanciful imaginary roles all day with our cousin-like family friends visiting from St. Louis, and then stay up all night, too scared to even leave our beds to use the bathroom.

Today was a super summery day - I left at 9:30 and rode my bike in a continuous 5-mile loop, the Powderhorn 24 route, for three hours with Matt, who was doing the 24-hour ride. I ate a taco, and rode to St. Paul for the Irish Fair and watched some dancing, looked at the art, was joined by Dan, had a beer, ate some sweet corn (not too many meatless options), listened to some music, watched some more dancing, and rode home, getting there at about 8:30. It was a perfect day, devoid of responsibility, just like when I was a kid.

And now, I will listen to the crickets as I fall asleep.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How much beer would it take...?

...for me to smell it when a car passes me by on the street?

This is what I am wondering as I distract myself from worrying about my poor dog's new bout of lameness.

I often smell pot from cars as they pass by my bike, but today a car passed me and it smelled like an old bar you'd find in Superior, Wisconsin.

I can tell you who wasn't drunk: the kick ass woman who passed me on her bike on the way home. She had regular platform pedals on her upright, rattling bike and maintained a steady 18-ish mph pace while smiling with her mouth closed and not breathing hard (and maybe not even sweating). I tried catching up to her a few times to see whether she was real (or had some electronic assist feature), but was going too slowly and also didn't want to run a stoplight.

I hope she was the real deal. I liked watching her pass people.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Shun the bandersnatch

I normally listen to my old iPod Shuffle during my commute. However, in a fit of self-preservation, it has decided that it will no longer work in the rain. So this morning, after passing Glabe Lane and thinking, as I do each day, that the word Glabe appears in Jabberwocky, I tried reciting the poem during my ride to work.

Well... it turns out the slithy toves gyred and gimbled in the WABE. And the mome raths outGRABE. And when I rejoiced at my memory that you're supposed to beware the bandersnatch, you're actually supposed to shun it. So really, it turns out I just remembered a word here and a word there, not full passages.

But I was amused, which is something.

Also, I got to smell tons of dill while passing the community garden where the rain knocked the scent out of the plants. That was a surprising discovery.

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

And, it's August!

On the penultimate day of July, I rode my bike on an oldie, but goodie, route. After making some friendly trail etiquette suggestions to two Italian or Portuguese riders who are here for the summer and offering to fix a lady's flat, I stopped to admire the high river and take my obligatory Mighty Mississippi photo. It was a good transition into hanging out at a Twins game with Dan's South Carolinian brother and family.

On Sunday, I once again looked for our missing little album of wedding snapshots. (I have some photos from our wedding, but the best few were in their own little album.) Our marriage reached the age of majority yesterday, with all the attendant rights and responsibilities. I found a bunch of other photos, which I realized really should not be stored in a cardboard box in our basement, including pictures of my baby brother. We got married on his 13th birthday. I waged what he called a birthday campaign, with photos from when he was starting kindergarten and first grade. My photo app made the collage below. I had tons of fun posting old pictures of him, after going to the chiro and skipping dance class.

Oddly, after doing the TRAM and other recent bike rides, riding my bike is the one place my back doesn't hurt. Returning to my desk job last week and having crappy posture has made me rather uncomfortable, and serves as a good reminder that I need to keep moving, since I can. I am lucky in that respect.

Finally, to conclude this stream-of-consciousness post, I ran across this comic strip on Sunday. Please don't take the bike maintenance list Amelia Bedelia literal-like: don't put lube all over your handlebars. That's a disaster waiting to happen.