Monday, May 30, 2016

Beelzebub in the Buff with a Bulbous Helmet

Well, that was a splendid week. On Tuesday, I had tons of fun at a horrible game, including chortling at the phrase "Beelzebub in the buff" instead of "Lucifer in the flesh."

Cardinals vs. Cubs. The Cubs won definitively.
 I stayed at the Moonrise Hotel in St. Louis. All the pictures in the rooms were moon-themed. This one was creeping me out. Why is the moon holding a small child from its mouth?

I got back late Weds after a delightful dinner with my aunt and uncle in St. Louis, had great commuting weather on Thursday, and went to a WNBA game Friday night.

On Saturday, Dan and I went to Dave's Brewfarm in Wisconsin and had a gourmet BYO dinner while drinking some beer out in the country.

They have a barebones taproom
that sometimes is open. Dave and his wife
serve the beer.
When in Rome....

We got to watch a crazy storm pass over the farm
from the comfort of our beer-drinkin' seats.

Only three of us made the team ride to Stillwater on Sunday, but we were looking good in our matching jerseys, or as one guy (facetiously?) called them, "our uniforms." This ended up being a 76-mile ride for me, since I rode to and from the start of the ride.
Maggie, Keisha, Matt
While we were on the Brown's Creek Trail back from Stillwater, I tried to take pictures to show how pretty the trail is. Tried.

Don't eff with me.
p.s. Take note of the helmet.

Today, Matt very kindly invited me to join him on a ride with the Twin Cities Bicycling Club. The route was about 30 miles (a 52-mile ride for me, since I rode to/from the start), and I rode a bit faster than my normal pace which was good for me. I need to do that more often. The ride started/ended at County Cycles in Roseville, who very kindly grilled brats for the riders. I joined the club last night, not realizing it would get me a discount at the bike shop today, when I bought this new, crazy high-viz (vis?) helmet. I was looking for a white, less bulbous helmet that fit my head better. Not white, slightly less bulbous, totally fits my head!

Shirt from my sweet nephews.
I'm at 82% of my fundraising goal for the MS150. Fidel Castro said that he began a revolution with 82 men.

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