Sunday, February 26, 2017

Always Learning

It was a weekend of learning. The things I learned are listed by day, rather than by importance because they are all valuable lessons.

Friday: Grady the dog-sat poodle apparently cannot be guaranteed to not counter surf, even in a short window of time. Episode 2 of the most recent season of Sherlock ends in such a way that episode 3 must be watched right away.

Saturday: I should buy fewer canned goods when grocery shopping by bike. I may need to buy a thing to make my hair poofy for Irish dance. Grady the poodle likes to lounge on two dog beds simultaneously.

Sunday: Sunny days bring the return of little kids at the park who want to pet Piper. Apparently some kids are confused and say "pet" when they mean hug her neck tightly and kiss her face. (My dog is blessedly patient.) Fleece pants over running tights when biking at 37 degrees can be just as hot as rain pants over running tights at 28 degrees. The nice Somali people I had dinner with own daycares, IT, and other small businesses, are teachers and grassroots organizers, feel well-served by Mayor Hodges especially in light of what's happening federally, and are happy to give restaurant recommendations.

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