Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Whoa, that's deep

"We think that we suffer from ingratitude, while in reality we suffer from self-love." -Walter Savage Landor

I was looking for a fun quote to help illustrate that I can sometimes be an ingrate (one of my most favorite words, learned when my sister tried to insult me as a teen), when I ran across this quote by Landor. I am not sure what to make of it, actually. I keep on reading it different ways.

Anyhow, I picked up my *!*new*!* bike last night. I was tired, the pickup was a bit messed up, the bike wasn't in 100% perfect condition, and it was a little rainy (again). I wasn't excited at all and felt guilty for being a blasted ingrate. A new bike, and here I was, all ho-hum!

Well, today was a new day. I adjusted some things, and took it to a different shop to get other things tweaked and ready and tightened up. The ride home from the shop was fun(!) and made me excited to try it out on a long ride this weekend. I'm sure it won't be a perfect riding experience until I am sure the seat is in the right spot (and that it is the right seat for me - - I am tempted to just order a seat like what is on my other bike) and that my shoe cleats are properly aligned, but I feel so much better. Kudos to the Highland Park Erik's for cheering me up, and getting my bike ready to go!

One thing I can tell you is that I am always grateful for the donations to the MS Society! I have met my MS150 fundraising goal and am at 25% of my goal for the TRAM. Does this constant gratitude mean that I have inconsistent self-love? Self-love for the fundraising but not when it comes to worldly possessions?

Mhmm... I think it is just some random quote that you aren't supposed to dissect.

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