I'm in Atlanta this week, at the very, perhaps overly, familiar Marriott with the nicest barrista this side of the Mason-Dixon Line. (Is that supposed to be hyphenated?)
I was looking through the photos on my phone and was reminded of the questions my friend Kristin - a life coach - posed years ago. I had these little cards on a bulletin board in my work office and would look at them as reminders to not get lazy. The one about a rich, full life was overlaid with two photos - of my Grandpa M. and my Grandma G. - their impact and influence are stories for another day.
Also on my phone, I had a photo of two fortunes - one that I had taped to my work computer (long term goal) and another I had taped to my home computer (job opportunity). I kind of laugh over the long-term goal one - I have pretty inarticulable goals, in violation of the "SMART" framework.
Now that I'm here, in Atlanta, working with different super duper smart tobacco policy people, I find myself thinking a lot about how to balance working from home with biking.
What are my biking goals?
How will I prioritize them without a bike commute? What will my focus be?
What *is* a rich, full life (at least in terms of cycling)?
Maybe I can ponder these things as I recover from doing an all-night ride this weekend.
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