Sunday, April 22, 2018

Unleash the dragons

Ohmigosh. Oh--my--gosh. Finally, warm weather! It was around 50 on Friday afternoon, 58ish? on Saturday, and 62-ey? today.
Unleash the dragons!

This weekend, I got out on my bike for 110 miles. (Sadly, this doubled my mileage for 2018, which is still half of the distance I'd ridden by this time last year. It is also the distance I signed up to ride in one day, not three days, just three weeks from now.) After riding 28 miles Friday and 43 yesterday, I did what I normally consider to be the unthinkable: I wore chamois padded shorts today. I apparently need to reacquaint all parts of the body with the bike!

But did you notice that I said I wore shorts? Shorts! One week after killing myself shoveling nearly 18 inches of snow. Oh, Minnesnowtah, how I love thee.

A sure sign of spring in Mpls: a jam-packed bike rack

A bare knee! Sunshine!

There was some cool fungus or lichen on this tree.

While my job is great, I am sad that the weekend is ending. I really just want to keep on riding my bike, soaking in the warmth and sunshine, and feeling comfortable outside and not all clenched up. I think the endorphine-o-meter in Minnesota surely broke this weekend.

I even figured out (I think) how to eat sufficient, non-processed foods to keep my energy up, and rewarded myself later with some rather delicious homemade guacamole, if I do say so myself.

Now to make some progress with my fundraising, which is proving tough this year! I'm only a third of the way to go for each ride, and the MS150 is about 6 weeks away. Time to get creative, whatever that means.

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