Monday, July 11, 2022

What the what?

I often sing/refer to the chorus of Europe's "The Final Countdown," a lackluster song from the 1980s whenever it is getting close to crunch time for something, whether it be a bike event, a work thing, or some other occasion. I just looked at the lyrics to that song and they are super stupid. I need to find a better song! Especially this week, leading up to the Ride Across Minnesota.

Anyhow, it appears I've been neglecting this blog once again. Years ago, I posted at least twice a week. I guess I've gotten to a point in our relationship, dear reader, where I feel you don't need to know every detail of my existence. But the resulting effect is that you get an update that reads like a 3rd-grade essay on "What I Did Last Summer: The Sequel." So is that a 4th-grade essay by now?!?

Oh yeah, so getting back to the point. A week from today, I will have finished the first day of my 5-day Bike MS ride. What's noteworthy? Well, the first day this year is going to be 81 miles. We haven't had a 60+ day on the 5-day ride for several years. And, unlike prior years, I have not ridden that far yet in a single day. (In fact, the furthest (farthest? ☺) ride I have done this year was exactly one day ago - - when I rode 65 miles. Before yesterday's ride, I noticed that I'd ridden about 820 miles this year. In previous years, for several years, I'd have logged at least 1,500 miles by now. Like last year, for instance. (What are you gonna do? I can't go back in time - only forward.)) (Also, how many parentheticals can be put into one sentence? (I'm not sure, but if anyone can succeed in breaking the record, it is me.))

Anyhow, the first year I did the Ride Across Minnesota, we rode either 94 or 96 miles the first day, and it was freakin' hot, and unusually hot for a ride originating in International Falls (depicted as Frostbite Falls on Rocky and Bullwinkle). But I digress.

I'm not totally with it this year. I will be just fine on the Ride Across Minnesota, but it will be work, for sure, compared to recent years. But what else have I got to do that week? Nothing. Nothing except to ride to support the MS Society. Oh, and I do need to remember how to camp in a tent, on the ground, in a city park often near train tracks. And under relentless floodlights. With someone squealing their car tires nearby.

We also have had some memorable storms on this ride in years past - - like the the year when water from a lake was spraying into my tent and I zipped the tent into my pants when trying to put the rain fly on when pulling on said pants (after sleeping as close to naked in a public park as possible in super hot temps) and as the wind broke my friend Steve's tent, meaning that we had to share a 2-person tent with all of our gear. Or the year that the guys were at some bar (where "picklebacks" were a thing), while Deb and I heeded the tornado sirens and sat inside a municipal building. Or the year that Stacy, Steve, and I made it back to camp and our gear was sitting in puddles and Travis made us some coffee with Irish whiskey to warm us up as we set up our tents. Or the year that the trail got washed out and Deb and I got a hotel room so that we could dry out our gear yet that was the also year that I tried taking senna pills for the first time for bathroom issues and poor Deb was subjected to my stinkiness in a hotel room with windows that did not open.

So, it is sure to be a memorable week, next week, with some stories.

Oh, my 3rd- or 4th-grade report! 

The Twin Cities Bicycling Club's all club ride this spring.
I really need to just smile with my mouth open rather
than covering up my braces. I love my new sunglasses and cap.

Running lots of errands this year - pharmacy
drive-thru, Target curbside pick up, and...

Clematis and wisteria at the garden store... and
going to the Red Cross... donate platelets. (I did get hot shortly
after exiting and did remove the vest STAT.)

My bruise from a collision on a group ride.
This is the yellow and green phase, rather 
than the swollen black sore phase. Better this than
the alternative: landing in the lane of 
oncoming traffic.
I've been riding with Major Taylor most

And have been doing a women's ride from my
local bike shop most Thursdays.

Some beverages follow, either at the local
taproom or Sea Salt, the park restaurant
by Minnehaha Falls.

My worlds collide a little bit when I get to see
my Major Taylor friend Carolyn on a ride organized
by the local bike shop rider leader woman. I'm so 
fortunate to have so many resources - and riding friends! 

Even though I haven't done many
Twin Cities Bicycling Club
rides, I do follow their routes
on my own time, to learn new
parts of the metro.

I did get to do this ride with the group
yesterday and it was tons of fun. Not shown:
my house to the green starting point and
from the red stopping point to my house.

Not sure how I got so dirty considering
that fellow TCBC riders did most of the
work in fixing my flat tire yesterday
(thanks, guys!)

A bunch of my time is also spent with her royal highness, Haley Alice Swardoney, and getting her out into the woods, acclimating to other dogs, and living her best dog life.

Haley and I went to my favorite spot
in the whole world. Glad I got to finally
take her there.

The lake at my mom's and stepdad's place. I didn't take my bike this time.
And that's totally okay.

Haley engaged in her first real appropriate
dog play activity ever. Good job, girl! 

So excited to go to Wisconsin.

Livin' the dream.

Thanks to the generosity of friends and acquaintances, I am past the halfway mark to meeting my goal. Want to support my fundraising efforts for the MS Society as I take a week off work to ride 300 miles in uncertain conditions and with an 81-mile ride the first day? Here's the link: Thanks for considering my request! 

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