Tuesday, April 28, 2015

It's all about glory and fame

"Oh, Google." Or rather, "Oh, Google Results." I was looking for the lyrics to Sheila E's "Glamorous Life" and one of the search results was for a site called oldielyrics.com. Oldie? Sheila E? (And, yes, yes, I know, it was written by Prince, which is a salient fact here in Minnesota.)

Stay focused.

So anyhow, I was just curious to see whether I remembered the lyrics correctly. I often don't, and the song was running through my head as I sat down to type up a blog post about the glamorous life of a fundraising team captain. In short, it is super glamorous.

You get a limited number of hotel rooms in which you get to assign people who may not know each other to be roommates (and even bedmates!), you get to learn how Twitter works (#livingthedream), you get to pick the route for team training rides (oddly, they all start close to my house), get to give Map My Ride's IT team a lot of feedback ("printing still doesn't work, so maybe you should give me a refund"), and you get to figure out how to get riders to understand that it truly is okay for them to ask their friends and families for donations (still a work in progress). If that's not glamour, I don't know what is.

Glamour, glory, and fame aside, it's a good thing. The MS Society is a great organization, and this is an issue I care about due to the way-too-many people I know affected by MS.

Thanks for your continued support. Check out my progress! The excitement over how well things are going with fundraising is helping me stay optimistic about that 100-mile ride around the corner. Last weekend's 75-mile ride helped, too.


1 comment:

  1. She's going to kill herself with her heel stuck inside her pant leg like that! Not to mention the cut of pants with no chain guard! Glamour at the expense of safety!!!!
