Sunday, April 12, 2015


This weekend was filled with biking.

Dan and I met the Bernses along River Road yesterday and rode to Summit Brewery (we got a free beer each for being Bike MS riders) and then to Day Block Brewing in downtown Mpls. The food truck at Summit was yummy, and the pickle flight at Day Block was tasty. The Day Block bartender very kindly gave me a mini binder clip to fix my bike light strap.

Today, I rode to meet Matt after he went to yoga. We did a fun, and somewhat hilly, loop, exploring some new areas and old faves in St. Paul. It was a windy nearly-70-mile ride when all was said and done, and we got to use some problem solving skills to address a variety of situations (chain shifting off, bag hitting spokes, closed roads, dirt, nails). I'm now pretty beat and slightly sunburned and, thanks to my husb, well-fed.

My back is getting better, and biking didn't make it feel too bad, so I'll be headed back to yoga soon, which makes me happy.

Also, this week I got to about 75% of my fundraising goal. That's really exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie,

    Surely you know about this woman, right?
