I was a bit in the dumps today. Grey, cool day. Challenging issues at work. Lingering sore back. "Bike ride" down the alley instead of somewhere real. Grumble, grumble.
After eating what one might call dinner, what another might call chips and salsa, I walked to the Angry Catfish to talk about waterproof shoe covers. I've learned mine are not waterproof, despite their label.
Parker greeted me by name, and then talked with me about what would be best based on my current biking shoes. I didn't remind him what kind of shoes I own. He remembered the brand and style he recommended last summer, which I bought at a different store. I'm just amazed by his wanting to try to remember, not to mention actual ability to remember. That's cool.
So I then was thinking that I'm actually pretty lucky that my back hurts during a week when the weather is crummy. If it was nice out, that'd really stink!
To top it off, recent donations have gotten me to nearly 75% of my fundraising goal, which is amazing! Look!
Waking back from the bike shop, I was thinking the Irish blessing may have been written by a cyclist. Although I'd suggest a couple of tweaks:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall once you're off your bike.
And until we ride again,
May you find good bike mechanics.
May you find good bike mechanics indeed. I had no idea you were a poet. ;-)